
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Waiting for Irene

(Source: NASA picture, August 24.)

What to do? I keep checking the sky (from my window) and reading the latest updates online. This will be my first hurricane experience since I've lived here. So, it may sound weird, but I find waiting for Irene pretty exciting.

It's anticipation and 'not-knowing" at the same time. If you know what that feels.

Irene is BIG. Really big and spectacular and unpredictable. Here's how Irene looks like from the space station two days ago. Click on this BBC link.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

DC's local economy :)

The amount of money spent to influence elections has been steadily climbing.

During the 2008 election cycle, more than $5.2 billion was spent by candidates, political parties and interest groups, according to data compiled by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics

In 2010 -- a year that did not include a presidential election -- $3.6 billion was spent. Of course, 2012 has the potential to break all records.

Only 0.04% of Americans give in excess of $200 to candidates, parties or political action committees -- and those donations account for 64.8% of all contributions.

Source: Starbucks boycotts DC on CNN Money.