For someone who grew up and lived most of her life near the equator, snowstorm is sort of big time life's experience. (Ok, maybe that sounds SO dramatic.) Call it being one with the elements. (Ok, ok, I'm being dramatic!) And so, yesterday afternoon, despite warnings to stay at home, I decided to go for a long walk in the middle of the snowstorm. I called Kate and urged her to go out, "it's not every day we get this, you know."
I didn't really make it that far. My fingers were frozen and hurting. Metro closed shopped and the buses stopped running around 2 pm. I could walk some more miles but I was afraid I'd not make it back home. I stayed around my 'hood.
Would you rather stay inside your cosy apartment and watch the snowstorm from the window or go out and get cold?
Like most Washingtonians, I opted for snowstorm experience outdoors.
Makes me feel so alive!
Here's a link to Washingtonians take on this snowstorm.
Kids have natural instinct to play.
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